Latest stories / Our pledge for a sustainable future

Our pledge for a sustainable future


Increase understanding of our impact on the planet, leads to people making sustainable and more environmentally friendly choices in almost every aspect of life, including furniture. We are convinced that unique design, high quality and individual solutions increases the lifespan of our products. As a company, we are responsible that our actions contribute to a more sustainable society on a local and global level. And in collaboration with our clients we want to ­create a sustainable lifecycle for modern interiors.

To have a long-term relationship with our customers and together work for a more sustainable future is important to us and it is a central part of our philosophy, Lifecircle. We guarantee that we can control our production process in terms of material, technique and distribution.

Sustainability from three angles: social, financial and environmental.
At Offecct we approach sustainability from three angles: social, financial and environmental. These aspects recur continually in the way we work.

  • By continually testing new, innovative materials.
  • Our ambition is to manufacture products with a long lifecycle, while at the same time the environmental impact is minimized through the use of recyclable materials.
  • We continually endeavor to find ways of saving resources by optimizing the use of materials and by saving energy.
  • We are working with accountable suppliers that does not manufacture, trade and/or use chemicals and hazardous substance under regional or international bans or phase-puts.

“We can see the importance of using the earth’s resources in a sustainable manner now and in the future; this means that among other things we will continue to develop our platform for circular furniture flows. We are pleased to note that demand is increasing. The FN’s sustainable development goals are highly relevant, and we have identified the specific goals that Offecct will be focusing on particularly in our activities,” says Helena Lidenfors Åberg, Sustainability Manager at Offecct.

Read more about how we work with sustainability and see our certificates.

Environmental labels
An example of how we work towards more sustainable work environments is our ongoing work on environmental labeling for our products. Parts of our collection are available in ecolabelled designs according to the Nordic Ecolabelling Swan and the Swedish ecolabelling Möbelfakta. In order to meet the inquiry regarding the environmental impact of our products, we have also begun work to describe the environmental impact of our products with the help of EPD.

See our environmentally friendly products here.

Möbelfakta is a requirement packaging for furniture that should be helpful, whether you are a furniture manufacturer, subcontractor, dealer, retailer or consumer. The requirements are based on the environment but also on quality and social responsibility.

Read more about Möbelfakta.

Svanen har sedan 30 år påverkat branscher och företag att ställa om till en mer hållbar produktion och därmed bidra till en mer hållbar utveckling. Svanen-märkta möbler uppfyller miljökrav på råvaror som trä, metall, stoppning och plast.

Läs mer om Svanen.

Det internationella EPD-systemet är ett informationssystem som beskriver produkters och tjänsters miljöpåverkan ur ett livscykel-perspektiv. Syftet är att ge kvalitetssäkrad information om varors och tjänsters miljöprestanda i så kallade miljövarudeklarationer (Environmental Product Declarations – EPD).

Läs mer om EPD.

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